There are a few different reasons why you might consider plumbing fixes or upgrades to your home, including common situations when something has gone wrong with a given component. One important related area that should be considered by any homeowner, however: Plumbing upgrades that may actually raise the value of your property, often by much more than what you actually spend on them.

At City Creek Plumbing, we’re happy to serve clients with a huge range of plumbing services, including bathroom plumbing, kitchen plumbing and any other area in your home. We’ve helped numerous customers upgrade plumbing components, including those who are doing so partially or even entirely due to a desire to increase their property value. What are some such upgrades that tend to do best here in terms of ROI and related financial factors? This two-part blog series will go over several.

plumbing upgrades property value

Double Sink Upgrades

For certain sink areas in the home, particularly in many bathrooms, one great upgrade option if there’s space available is to go from a single sink to a double sink. This can be done in various ways, including by completely replacing an existing vanity with a new one that has two sinks or adding a second sink next to an existing one in some other way.

This is often seen as not just a functional improvement – after all, two people can use the sink area at once now – but also a cosmetic one that can really change the look and feel of the bathroom. If you’re considering selling your home in the future, this is definitely an upgrade to keep in mind.

Eco-Friendly Considerations

Another valuable area to focus on when it comes to plumbing upgrades with an eye toward property value is anything related to making your home’s plumbing system more environmentally friendly. In many cases, these will also be money-saving measures in the short term as well, which makes them doubly valuable.

Low-flow toilets are a great example here. Not only can they help reduce your water usage and save you money on your monthly bills as a result, but they’re also often seen as a valuable eco-friendly consideration by potential buyers. If you’re looking for an upgrade that will really stand out, this is definitely one to keep in mind.

Upgrade Worn-Down Faucets

One of the first fixtures a prospective buyer would look at if you were ever to sell your home is going to be the sink faucet. This is one of the most used components in any kitchen or bathroom, which means it’s also one that can really show its age over time if you don’t upgrade it on a regular basis.

Even if everything else in your bathroom or kitchen is up-to-date and looking great, an old, worn-down faucet can really drag the whole look down. As a result, it’s definitely worth considering an upgrade even if everything else is in good working order. You may be surprised at just how much of a difference this simple change can make.

City Creek Plumbing is proud to offer top-quality plumbing fixtures and services to all of our clients. Contact us today for information on any of our solutions and how we’ll assist you!